Tricia Blake


Welcome to Anxiety Self-Help Sanctuary, a safe haven dedicated to empowering you, as a woman, to manage and overcome anxiety and reclaim your inner peace. My mission is to provide you with knowledge, practical tools, resources, and to direct you to programs and products that will help you navigate the many challenges of anxiety.

For many years, I lived with the debilitating effects of anxiety, ranging from mild unease to severe, overwhelming episodes. The most challenging aspect was not recognizing what I was going through or knowing how to cope with it effectively. It wasn’t until I gained a deeper understanding of anxiety and explored various management techniques that I found relief.

The wealth of information and resources you’ll find within this sanctuary is a culmination of my personal journey and the proven methods that have not only transformed my own life but have also empowered countless others to overcome the grip of anxiety. Drawing from evidence-based research and practical wisdom, I’ve curated a collection of alternative approaches, coping strategies, and actionable suggestions that I have personally implemented and witnessed their positive impact.

The techniques shared in this sanctuary aren’t just ideas on a page – they’re real-life strategies that have provided relief and empowerment to women who bravely applied them. However, it’s important to note that the recommended therapies and alternative health methods and other information, mentioned on this website, are not conclusive and are provided for informational purposes and may not suit everyone. You should consult your general practitioner and make decisions that are right for you. If you have any questions about anything on this website, please feel free to ask. All the best.

Please feel free to contact me through my email address: or if you have any questions or if you would like to offer feedback on the information that I have provided please fill in the form below. Take care.