More Fun Ways To Manage Anxiety

Managing Anxiety need not be too serious. Listed below are helpful, refreshing and fun ways to help you to do this. Have fun.


Yes get your hands dirty. Even if you’re not a gardener try and spend some time planting flowers, herbs, or vegetables of your choice. Nothing stressful or strenuous. Ask friends or neighbors for clippings or ideas. And don’t underestimate how therapeutic and grounding this can be. Plus, watching your garden grow and thrive can bring a nice sense of accomplishment and joy.

Coloring Books:

Irrespective of age anyone can indulge in some coloring fun. Adult coloring books offer many intricate designs and patterns that can help quiet the mind and promote relaxation. Pick up some colored pencils or markers and let your creativity flow.

Mindful Walking:

This one comes up regularly I know. But leisurely walks outside doesn’t cost anything. The outdoors can be refreshing depending on where you live. And this time walk with the purpose of paying attention to the sensations of each of your steps—the feeling of your feet touching the ground, the rhythm of your breath, the sights and sounds around you. Doing this can help clear the mind and reduce anxiety.


Often there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. So in other words when we give of our time, heart, resources or support we will get joy out of doing this. We also take the attention of self when we do this as well. Maybe you could volunteer at a local charity, animal shelter, or community garden. Lending a helping hand can boost your mood and sense of purpose.

Creative Writing:

Put pen to paper and let your imagination run wild with creative writing. Write about what you love and enjoy. Don’t be too structured if you don’t want to and just put your thoughts and feelings down in writing. You might enjoy poetry, short stories, or even writing about something funny that you experienced or make up something funny to write about. Let loose. There is no one there to judge what or how you write. You never know you could write a best seller. Just enjoy the process.


Absolutely love this. You don’t need any expensive equipment. Most i phones have a pretty good camera. Go and take photos or videos of the beautiful creation out side. It might be a tree, a bird, the blue sky…what ever fascinates you, go and enjoy the beauty in everyday moments. Capture those images that inspire you and make you feel happy.

Music Therapy:

Lose yourself in the rhythm and melodies of your favorite songs. Create playlists that uplift and energize you, or explore new genres and artists. Sing along, dance around your living room, or simply let the music wash over you and soothe your soul.

Card Games and Puzzles:

Gather some friends or family members and indulge in a game night. Do you like Canasta or Euchre? You might like Poker or doing jigsaw puzzles. This can be a fantastic way to have fun and a great distraction from feeling anxious.

Guided Imagery:

Visualize your happy place. Close your eyes and imagine yourself where ever you feel your happy place is. Is it in a peaceful, serene setting. In the forest. On the beach. Below a waterfall. On a high cliff looking at the sunset. Visualize every detail—the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations. Allow yourself to escape to this imaginary sanctuary whenever you need a moment of calm.

Remember, managing anxiety doesn’t have to feel like a chore. Incorporating fun and enjoyable activities into your routine can make the process feel more enjoyable and rewarding. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and explore what brings you joy and relaxation. You deserve it!

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