The Effects of Laughter Therapy on Anxiety and The Wonderful Benefits

Hi ladies and friends. Have any of you had laughter therapy? Did you benefit from it? I haven’t had therapy as such but like many of my audience I’m sure you’ve read, watched or listened to something that had you in stitches. Yes we’ve all done this and wasn’t it fun? The following article explains how we can benefit from laughter therapy, if this is an area that we might want to pursue or are interested in. But first what is laughter therapy?

What is it?

Laughter therapy is like a fun and uplifting workout for your mind, body, and soul. It’s all about getting together with others and laughing on purpose to feel happier and healthier. In laughter therapy sessions, you’ll do simple exercises, breathe deeply, and stretch gently while sharing laughs with everyone around you. It’s a chance to let go of stress, boost your mood, and connect with others in a lighthearted way. Plus, it’s led by a friendly facilitator who knows how to keep the good vibes flowing!

What are the benefits?

  1. Feeling Good Naturally: Ever noticed how laughing just makes everything feel lighter? Well, turns out it’s not just in your head! When we laugh, our bodies release these happy hormones called endorphins, which can really take the edge off anxiety.
  2. Brightening Your Day: Laughter isn’t just good for the soul; it’s good for the mood too! It’s like a little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, lifting your spirits and helping you see the brighter side of things.
  3. Taking Care of Yourself: Laughing isn’t just fun; it’s good for your body too! It can help your heart stay healthy, boost your immune system, and even ease those little aches and pains that come with stress.
  4. Connecting with Others: There’s something magical about sharing a laugh with others, especially when you’re all going through the same stuff. It’s like a secret handshake that says, “Hey, I get you, and we’re in this together.”
  5. Finding Your Zen: Laughter therapy isn’t just about giggles; it’s about finding peace within yourself. Through relaxation techniques and mindful breathing, you
  6. to let go of stress and find your inner calm.
  7. Believing in Yourself: Laughter has this amazing power to boost your confidence and make you feel like you can take on the world. It’s like your own personal cheerleader, cheering you on every step of the way.
  8. Rolling with the Punches: Life can be pretty tough sometimes, but laughter can help you roll with the punches. By finding humor in even the toughest situations, you can bounce back stronger than ever.
  9. Building a Strong Foundation: By making laughter a part of your everyday life, you’re not just treating your anxiety; you’re building resilience for the long haul. So go ahead, laugh a little louder, and live a little brighter
  10. Feeling Like Sunshine: You know that warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you’re doubled over in laughter? Turns out, it’s not just in your head! Laughing triggers this awesome chemical reaction in your body, releasing those feel-good endorphins that can turn even the gloomiest day into a sunshine-filled adventure.
  11. Brightening Your Outlook: Laughter isn’t just a quick fix for a bad mood; it’s like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds. It flips the script on anxiety, helping you see the silver lining in every situation and giving you the courage to face whatever comes your way.
  12. Giving Your Body Some TLC: Here’s the thing – laughter isn’t just good for your soul; it’s good for your body too! It’s like a mini-workout for your heart, boosting circulation and keeping things ticking along nicely. Plus, it’s a natural painkiller, so those little niggles and aches? They don’t stand a chance!
  13. Building Bridges with Laughter: There’s something truly magical about sharing a laugh with others, especially when you’re all navigating the same stormy seas. It’s like a secret handshake that says, “Hey, I’ve got your back, and we’re in this together.”
  14. Backed by Confidence: Ever notice how laughter can make you feel like you’re on top of the world? It’s like a confidence booster in a bottle, giving you the courage to tackle whatever life throws your way with a smile on your face and a skip in your step.
  15. Rolling with Life’s Punches: Life can be pretty unpredictable, right? But here’s the thing – laughter can help you roll with the punches. By finding humor in even the toughest situations, you can bounce back stronger than ever and show life who’s boss.
  16. Creating a Resilient Foundation: By making laughter a part of your daily routine, you’re not just treating your anxiety; you’re building a fortress of resilience that’ll stand the test of time. So go ahead, laugh a little louder, love a little harder, and live a whole lot brighter!


Whether you choose to do Laughter Therapy or remind yourself of the many benefits that having a good ole laugh can do for us, is up to you. Sometimes when we’re so busy, stressed or anxious, the last thing that we want to do is laugh. But friends, remember, laughing can help us to relax more and therefore help us with our anxiety. So laugh out loud each day or each other day…just remember to have fun while you doing it. Cheers

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